Career Preparedness

Additional K-12 Student Career Exploration & Planning Resources
from the Florida Department of Education
Online Career Planning & Work-Based Learning Coordination System
Xello is Florida’s official, K-12 career planning and work-based learning coordination provider. Xello empowers every student to design a personalized plan for the future by providing a high-quality career development experience that’s modern and visually appealing, interactive, and age-appropriate. It has been professionally translated into Spanish and can support other preferred languages. Full Florida functionality in Xello starts fall of 2023. In the Xello platform, students can:
Build personalized profiles to display their interests, skills and abilities
Take career matching assessments to guide and motivate exploration
Explore their options by reviewing career profiles, labor market data and postsecondary training opportunities
Set both short and long-term goals and track their progress with academic course planning and managing the college application process
Prepare for the world of work by developing a professional resume and creating shareable portfolios, and applying for local work-based learning opportunities
Continually learn, reflect, and re-assess their plans with the support of built-in college and career readiness lessons offers an array of free online tools and resources designed to help students succeed in school, earn a college degree, and embark on a rewarding career. FloridaShines works with the state's public colleges, universities, and K-12 school districts to develop tools that benefit students, parents, counselors, and educators alike. FloridaShines is funded by the state of Florida and provided by FLVC. Its tools and resources are available at no cost to students. Among the features on
A centralized inventory of all programs and certificates available from Florida’s public postsecondary institutions, in addition to all online courses offered by each institution and courses with zero textbook costs.
Detailed profiles of each public college and university statewide, along with technical colleges and centers.
Centralized access to the academic library collections and resources at all 40 public colleges and universities statewide .
Florida’s official Transient Student Admissions Application used by postsecondary students to apply to take a course at another institution.
Student access to their unofficial transcripts.
Ability for students to see the impact of transferring to another institution or changing their degree program.