Honor Society: NHS / NJHS / NEHS

For more information about our Honor Societies, please contact
NEHS - Mrs. Pruett - Email Mrs. Pruett
NJHS - Ms. Chybion - Email Ms. Chybion
NHS - Ms. Fuller - Email Ms. Fuller
Brevard Virtual’s National Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society and National Elementary Honor Society provide amazing opportunities for students in 4th – 12th grade!
Students participating in the NHS, NJHS or NEHS will experience a sense of community with other BVS students in virtual and face-to-face meetings held at Clearlake. They will also partake in fun and engaging service projects with others to earn hours that can be used towards NHS/NJHS/NEHS and the Bright Futures Scholarship. Actively being a part of the NHS/NJHS looks wonderful on college applications and resumes. Students can also choose, after at least one year of membership, to run for a position as an officer for greater participation.
Shy students need not be deterred! The NHS/NJHS/NEHS is welcoming to new inductees and is a great place to make friends with like-minded peers.
Qualifications for membership:
Candidates eligible for selection to the chapter shall have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. This scholastic level of achievement shall remain fixed and shall be the required minimum level of scholastic achievement for admission to candidacy.
Meet the grade level enrollment- NHS 10th - 12th grade, NJHS 7th - 9th and NEHS 4th - 6th
Exhibit outstanding character, leadership, and service.
Be willing to maintain that effort and complete chapter and individual service projects.
Candidates eligible for selection to the chapter of National Honor Society shall have an additional qualification of a minimum of 5 volunteer hours logged to our office by Induction.
All students will be invited to join if the qualifications have been met. If you are interested in becoming a member, you will need to have been invited, then complete the application process in the Spring Semester; having been enrolled at BVS for at least one semester. If you have any questions, please contact one of our chapter advisers.